
Defence Tax Chambers – Services

Income Tax

Before Registration and Filing of your Income Tax Return, it is recommended that one should establish basic understanding regarding these processes.

Sales Tax

Before Registration and Filing of your Sales Tax Return, it is recommended that one should establish basic understanding regarding these processes.


Before registration and undertaking of various customs procedures, it is recommended that persons should familiarize themselves with all the basic concepts pertaining to these processes.

Sole Proprietorship Business Registration

It usually happens when you have leadership qualities, and working under People makes you tired, and something insists you inside you set up your own business.

Partnership Firm Registration

A Partnership Firm formed under Partnership Act 1932 in Lahore under which two or more people join together to commence a business to share profit and loss.

Company Registration

DEFENCE TAX CHAMBER provides clients with precise knowledge of how to incorporate and operate a business in Lahore. We are skilled in offering company registration services

Lahore Chamber Of Commerce & Industry

The mission of the Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry is to develop the business atmosphere and superiority of working in the Lahore for businesses.

Copyright Registration

Copyright is a type of defense provided in the Copyrights law and protection granted by law for original work of authorship including musical, poetry, movies

Trade Mark Registration

A Trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, or design that identifies and differentiates the basis of the goods of one party from others. A service mark is a word, phrase, symbol

Legal Business Agreements

Drafting Contracts and legal documents are most important aspects of every business operations. Every business has to expand its operation for which they have to entered

International Business Contracts

Drafting Contracts and legal documents are most important aspects of every business operations.

IT Company & Call Centre Registration

Information Technology and Call Centers are playing an essential part for every organization to ensure the smooth functioning of all departments like human resources

Real Estate & Construction Company Registration

Real Estate and Construction is one of the most dynamic and productive businesses in Lahore and around Pakistan that has attained the value of industry in Pakistan

Civil & Family Matters

Defense Tax Chamber is the top law firm when it comes to the civil suits in Lahore, Are you one of the party to a lawsuit? Then, you definitely need a Civil Law Lawyer to represent