

Copyright is a type of defense provided in the Copyrights law and protection granted by law for original work of authorship including musical, poetry, movies, novels, songs, software, computer and artistic work, which represents both published and unpublished works. Copyright domain does not defend any facts, systems operations and methods or any idea.

Primarily, in Pakistan copyright is a law that provides ownership title of the work an author made. In simple words, you write a book or poem and you own it that you are the writer. It’s the copyright law under which your ownership assured if you made Registration under copyright law.

Official Copyright Registration System in Pakistan

Copyright is an intellectual property (IP) defense like patents and Trademark. Copyright registration in Lahore and all over Pakistan is made based on official system of IPO Pakistan and Copyright Rules, 1967. After filing copyright registration, the Applicant becomes a lawful owner of his creative or artistic work in respect of music, books, website, etc. Copy of the original work of an author is not possible after registration of Copyright with the IPO authorities in Pakistan. Without author permission, nobody is allowed to use the Copyright registered material. For using published or copyright material, consent required from the author, and he is entitled to charge others for using his creation. Copyrights registration in Lahore and around Pakistan protects the inventor from infringement of invention and Copyright legal rules and regulations prohibits the other one to use or copy the same.

Tax Care Legal Attorneys can do a copyright registration in Lahore and all other Pakistan cities.

Intellectual property and your work

What intellectual property is

If you choose the right type of Intellectual Property Protection then this becomes a valuable instrument to stop people from copying your;

  • products or brands names
  • inventions you have made
  • Products designs
  • things you made, produce or write

Trademark, Copyright, patents and designs are all kinds of IP protection. Always try to keep kinds of IP Projections secret until they’re registered with the official system of copyright rules and regulations in Pakistan.

Major Functions of Intellectual Property Organization:

  1. Manage and organize all Government structures for the better protection and support of Intellectual Property (IP);
  2. Management and strengthening of IP offices in Pakistan
  3. Working and Creating awareness in Society about their IP Rights;
  4. Counseling of Federal Government in relation to IP Policy implementation; 
  5. Confirming active implementation of IP rights through nominated IP Enforcement Agencies (Police, FIA, and Pakistan Customs)
  6. Protect the Intellectual Property system and Rules and Regulations prevailing in Pakistan

How copyright protects your work

Copyright protects your original work and restricts others from;

  • Making copy of your Work
  • Distribution of Copies of your work whether Free of Charge or Sale Price
  • Work giving on Rent or Lend
  • Performing or playing your work in general public  
  • Making versions of your work
  • Placement of work on the Internet

Copyright, Trademark, and Patent comparison

Copyright registration in Pakistan with IPO protects the original work of an author, while a patent protects discoveries. A Trademark safeguards a word, phrase, design that categorizes and segregates the source of the goods of one party from others. A service mark is a phrase, word or sign that classifies and differentiates the basis of a service rather than goods.

Things protected under Copyright

The following may be protected under Copyright Rues 1967 with IPO in Pakistan. 

  1. Cinematography film and documentaries
  2. Musical work and Sound recordings
  3. Artistic work like paintings, maps, charts, photographs, sculptures, Label Designs
  4. Original literary Books, Dictionaries, Journals, Lectures, Computer Programs, IT Software, Data, etc
  5. Broadcasts on different channels
  6. Published editions
  7. Catalogues
  8. Research Work, Newspapers, User Manuals, etc

Basic Requirements for Copyright Registration in Pakistan

Copyright Registration is an assurance of legal protection of goodwill and restricts others against illegal copies of the work of the author in Lahore and all other cities of Pakistan.

Necessary Details of Copyright Applicants in Pakistan

  1. Name, address, and Nationality of the Applicant required before filing Copyright registration Application in Pakistan. In the case of a Company or Firm, incorporation certificate and the Registration certificate needed. 
  2. Soft Copies and CDs: Applicant must provide a soft copy of his/her work and all files optionally in PDF, JPEG, JPG, or GIF format. In the case of computer program Copyright registration, CDs or DVDs of the particular computer programs must provide.
  3. Power of Attorney: A Power of Attorney in favor of authorized firm or advocate, rightfully signed by the Applicant is mandatory before filing Copyright Registration Application in Lahore and all other cities of Pakistan.

Documents Required for Copyright Registration in Pakistan

  • Name, Address, Business Name and Nationality of the Applicant – Copy of CNIC
  • No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the publisher in casework is already published, and the publisher is not similar who is applying for Copyright Registration.
  • Search Report from Trade Mark Office if any
  • No Objection Certificate (NOC) from a person whose photographs appear on the artistic work
  • Power of Attorney in favor of authorized Firm or Advocate signed by Applicant
  • 4 Copies of work
  • Pay order or Demand Draft in the name of Director General IPO Pakistan 
  • No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the author if the Applicant is different from the author

Advantages of Copyright Registration in Pakistan

  1. Legal Protection in the Court of Law
  2. Branding and Goodwill in the Market
  3. Global Protection
  4. Restricts Infringement or reproduction of Work
  5. Creation of Intangible Asset
  6. Life time Protection plus 50 Years even after the Death of Author
  7. Market Place Credibility
  8. Uniqueness in Identity
  9. Brand Control and Consistency

Procedure for How to Register Copyright in Pakistan

  1. An application along with (all the particulars and statements of the particulars) and requisite copyright filing fees sent to the registrar IPO. Every Application signed by the Applicant and an Advocate in whose favor a Power of Attorney executed. A separate application should file in case of more than one works.
  2. If there are no objections received within 30 days, the Examiner will analyze the filed Application for any discrepancy. If no discrepancy found, the registration application will be accepted and further send to the Registrar for the entry in the Register and issuance of Copyright Certificate.
  3. The Registrar will issue a Dairy No. and send a Notice of Copyright Publication in the Newspaper after newspaper publication there is a mandatory waiting time for some period for any objections to be received.
  4. If any objection/ opposition is received, then Registrar sends a letter to both the parties about the objections and will give both of them a chance of hearing.
  5. After the hearing, if both the parties are satisfied on one platform and objections are amicably resolved, the Registrar will give its decision to finalize the Copyright Application with approval or rejection as the case may be.

Average Processing Time for Copyright Registration in Pakistan

SR No.

Types/ Nature of Copyright Registration cases in Pakistan

Average Time

Disposal of Copyright Cases

(working days)


Acknowledgment Receipt Issuance

Reception of documents, Fee and Payment Verification along with Date Entry in the Systems

One week


Examination of application and Reporting

Nine months


Issuance of Registration Certificate on compliance of all legal requirements which are Processing of reply/amendments, Data entry, and Issuance of Registration Certificate

Two months


Total Time Period from Application Filing To Copyright Registration

Eleven months


Miscellaneous requests where hearing is NOT required such as; 

  • Application for issuance of the certified copy
  • Request for change of name, address, etc.
  • Request for a duplicate certificate
  • Request for assignment / license etc.

One month

Offices for Filing Application For Copyright Registration in Pakistan

  1. Copyright Registration office Karachi (Head office)

Plot # ST 1 & 2, New Broad Casting House (Ground Floor), Behind KDA Civic Center, Block -14, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi- 75300, Pakistan.

  1. Copyright Registration office Lahore (Regional office)

Basement of Lahore Chamber of Commerce Building, 11-Shahrah-e-Aiwan-e-Sanat-o-Tijarat (Near China Chowk), Lahore.

  1. Copyright Registration office Islamabad (Regional Office)

3rd Floor, NTC-HQs Building, Attaturk Avenue (East), Sector G-5/2,  Islamabad.

To Register a Copyright in Lahore, Pakistan

Just Dial +9200788111535