Legal Business Agreements
Drafting Contracts and legal documents are most important aspects of every business operations. Every business has to expand its operation for which they have to entered into contracts with other companies. At every stage Companies needs to enter into contracts and agreements with other companies, vendor and employees. It is therefore contract drafting and vetting have much importance while doing business. Preparation of Contract is not much easy due to its technicalities which need to be kept in mind while preparing Contracts and Agreements in which protection of company interest is important.

Our Professional Corporate Attorneys/lawyers approach towards drafting contracts for businesses as under;
- Understanding Business activities, purpose and objectives of the business, and the purpose of the contract.
- Utilization of parameters which needs to follow while preparation of important clauses of the agreements.
- Agreement drafting as per existed country laws that cover the all aspects of the contract.
Types of Business Contracts/Agreements
Our Attorneys in Lahore can help you out and provide services for the following contacts:
- Corporate Commercial Contracts, Technology Transfer, Vendor Relations, Service Agreements, Confidentiality, Trademark Assignment, Arbitration Agreement, Mergers and Acquisitions;
- Website Policies like Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, Return and Refund Policy;
- Employment documents like Employment Agreements, Non-Disclosure Agreements, Exit Agreements, Non-Compete Agreement;
- Property Documents like Lease Deed, Sale-Purchase Agreement, Rental Agreements, Mortgage Deed, Redemption Deed and much more.
- Letter of Pledge, Letter of Hypothecation, Letter of Guarantee.
- technical know-how agreements, sales representatives agreements, event management agreements, manufacturing agreements, sponsorship agreements, marketing agreement, advertisement services agreements, non-competition agreements, licence agreements, trademarks user agreements, deed of assignment of trademarks, franchise agreements, memorandum and rules & regulations of societies, trust deeds, trust rules, wills etc
We prepare agreements in very simple and easy language this can be done in high vocabulary language but our Attorneys in lahore follow client instruction while preparation of these Agreements. We try our best to simplify all legal transactions in order to have transparent environment. Our Attorneys in Lahore also provide guidance to our clients in understanding each clause of the Agreement alongwith ongoing support in case of modification of existing agreements.
Our Attorneys are highly trained and qualified who understand the requirements of every Business Agreements.